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Top : Europe : Netherlands : Smolders Marieke

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Name: Smolders Marieke 
Address: Goudenpolderdijk 2

Waterlandkerkje, 4508 NV
The Netherlands
Phone: 31651184764
Fax: 31117450175
IAED Certification: Non-Certified
Credentials: Ceritfied horse veterinarian
Category: Europe/Netherlands
Short Description: Certified veterinarian Sedation optional Painkilling optional Information feeding optional Very close to Belgium In practice since 2000
Detailed: I live in the south west of the netherlands pretty close to the belgium border. I'm a certified horse veterinarian as well. This means I can easily sedate a horse if necessary. Or give mor advice about your horses problem. As their is food advice or see different problems which need treatment and refer you to a specialist to figure it out. Their is more to a horse then a mouth. Treatment either at your or my place whichever is preferred.
Service Area: In and around Zeeuws-Vlaanderen
In Practice Since:
URL: Visit Web Site


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Pages Updated On: 29-Nov-2024 - 13:57:33

NOTE: The American School of Equine Dentistry is a private school.

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