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Top : North America : USA : Wisconson : Jenny Kurz

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 Also see: International Association of Equine Dentistry Member List 
Name: Jenny Kurz 
Address: W8160 Leeman Rd.

Sagola, MI 49881
United States
Phone: (906) 542-3343
IAED Certification: Non-Certified
Credentials: Graduate of American School of Equine Dentistry 2001
Category: North_America/USA/Wisconson
Short Description: Does your horse toss his head for no apparent reason? Does he fight when you bridal him? Does grain fall out of his mouth when he eats. Any of these syptoms could be a result of poor dental health.
Detailed: Complete oral exams every six months to one year and regular preventive dental care allow horses to utilize feed more efficiently, live longer with better health, and perform better.
Service Area: Willing to travel, for 10 to 15 or more horses, within United States.
In Practice Since:


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Pages Updated On: 29-Nov-2024 - 13:57:33

NOTE: The American School of Equine Dentistry is a private school.

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