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Top : North America : USA : Virginia : Meredith Barlow-- Equidentistry

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 Also see: International Association of Equine Dentistry Member List 
Name: Meredith Barlow-- Equidentistry IAED Certified
Address: 7818 Creek Bluff Ln

Mechanicsville, Virginia 23111
Phone: (804) 514-1172
IAED Certification: C-IAED
Credentials: IAED certified EqDT
Category: North_America/USA/Virginia
Short Description:
Detailed: Services include: *Performance Floats *Basic Floats *Complete Full-mouth Balancing *Bit Seats *Cap and Wolf Teeth Removal *Canine Teeth Reduction *Wave and Hook Correction *Incisor Reduction and Realignment My practice also utilizes the services of veterinarians for sedation. They also provide full service veterinary care to my patients.
Service Area: *All of Virginia And Maryland *Will travel anywhere for special cases and upon veterinary request- travel fees apply.
In Practice Since: 2006
URL: Visit Web Site


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Pages Updated On: 29-Nov-2024 - 13:57:33

NOTE: The American School of Equine Dentistry is a private school.

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